Como final de Fiesta nada mas ni nada menos que los Premiados. En un rato tratare de hablar con la ganadora del Premio al Mejor Blog Internacional de Peru.
Navarra was my first motorbike trip and since then, i go there every 2 years at least 3-4 days. I love it. One of the best clapes in Spain to ride along some friends, eat very well and enjoy good roads.And yes, in La Venta de Juan Pito in Puerto de Belagua you can eat the best Migas de Pastor in the world.Nice ride and nice Blog.
>Fue estupendo el encuentro de Tudela, y disfrutamos en todo momento.
Nuestra enhorabuena a la Organización, a los asistentes y por supuesto a los premiados.
Ana y Víctor.
Navarra was my first motorbike trip and since then, i go there every 2 years at least 3-4 days. I love it. One of the best clapes in Spain to ride along some friends, eat very well and enjoy good roads.And yes, in La Venta de Juan Pito in Puerto de Belagua you can eat the best Migas de Pastor in the world.Nice ride and nice Blog.